Upgrades - Protect Your Site From Being Hacked

I've had two WordPress blogs hacked into formerly. That was at a time when I was doing almost no online marketing, and until I found time to deal with the situation (weeks later), these sites were penalized in the main search engines. They were not eliminated the ratings were reduced.

In my opinion, the best way to ensure that your that is rename your login url to secure your wordpress website is through using a WordPress backup plugin. This is a relatively inexpensive, easy and elegant to use way to make certain your site is available to you.

Truth is, if a competent master of the script targets your website, there is actually no way to prevent an intrusion. Everything you are about to read below are some precautionary actions you can take to minimize the threat. If your WordPress site is well protected odds are a hacker would prefer picking another, simpler victim.

Yes, you need to do regular backups of your site. I recommend at least a weekly database backup and a monthly "full" backup. More. Definitely more, if you make additions and changes to your website. If you have a community of people that are in there all the time, or make changes multiple times a day, a daily backup should redirected here be a minimum.

It's time to sign up for a Facebook account and use this individual's name and identity. Once I get it all set up, I'll be telling you posing as your friend and asking you to be friends with me on Facebook (or Twitter, or whichever societal site).

Of course you can install more plugins to make your shop more user-friendly like automatic plugin or share buttons. That's all. Your shop is up and running!

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